Acupuncture is a relatively non-invasive therapy that has existed for over 3,500 years. It originated in China and its popularity has been growing in Europe and the United States since the 1970’s.
A unique benefit that Stokes Acupuncture provides is a combination of Acupuncture treatments coupled with optional Traditional Chinese Medicines in the form of Chinese herbs. This level of patient-specific treatment is not only beneficial to the overall health of the individual, it is hard to find this level of service in the area.
It is the goal of Stokes Acupuncture to aide and also inspire individuals to be the healthiest and happiest that they can be through the use of Traditional Chinese Medicine.
It is the goal of Stokes Acupuncture to aide and also inspire individuals to be the healthiest and happiest that they can be through the use of Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine.
About UsBased on clinical trials, the World Health Organization has deemed acupuncture effective for treating many conditions not limited to the following: Stress, Anxiety, Depression, Insomnia, Headaches and Migraines, Muscle pain..etc. >> Find out more
Most people find acupuncture to be deeply relaxing and pain-free. Patients may feel a sensation with the needles (fullness or heaviness) but usually do not consider it to be uncomfortable. Needles are generally maintained >> Find out more
Acupuncture is based on the fact that the human body is an organic whole that is connected by energy. Acupuncture balances your energy by inserting thin, sterile one-time-use needles into specific points along the body. >> Find out more